Difficulty with attention and focus. Struggling with organizing, completing tasks, and details. Trouble following directions. Forgetfulness. Fidgeting or squirming. Excessive energy. Unexplained fatigue. Inability to relax. Frequently losing or misplacing things. Acting without thinking. Engaging in risky behaviors despite unwanted consequences. Intense fixation on an interest or activity causing you to lose track of everything else going on around you. Poor work or school performance. Difficulty in relationships. Low self-esteem. Restlessness. Poor time management and planning. Getting frustrated easily. Mood swings. Difficulty coping with stress and transitions.

ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is one of many aspects of neurodiversity, or the range of typical variation in individual brain function and processing among the human population. It is not uncommon for an adult to be unaware they have ADHD and just awareness that certain detail-oriented tasks can be a challenge. ADHD  is characterized by persistent patterns of symptoms that fall into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Individuals may experience some of these symptoms briefly, but when they are persistent and cause ongoing problems in multiple areas of life, such as work, home and relationships, ADHD can be diagnosed.

Research finds EMDR an effective treatment for individuals experiencing symptoms of ADHD. Through the 8 different phases of EMDR, such as resource development (learning coping skills to manage strong and difficult emotions), cognitive interweave (targeting negative self-beliefs), and bilateral stimulation (tapping or eye movements), those with ADHD can develop coping skills, process distressing memories, decrease the emotional reactivity to those memories, and improve emotional regulation, self-esteem, and self-acceptance.

EMDR improves ADHD in directly addressing aspects of daily stress that worsens ADHD, improving someone’s ability to respond to anger, frustration, or other unwanted emotions, and strengthening self-esteem and self-acceptance. If an individual has experienced a traumatic experience, this can often make ADHD symptoms worse. EMDR can help process these memories and reduce their impact on ADHD symptoms. Frustration, impulsivity and mood swings are common symptoms of ADHD, and EMDR can be effective in reducing these symptoms and “take the edge off” unwanted and difficult emotions. This helps improve ability to manage unwanted emotions in all areas of life. Through decreasing these symptoms and increasing feelings of self-esteem and self-acceptance, EMDR can help those with ADHD live a more satisfying life.

EMDR can help folks process and resolve negative experiences, beliefs, and emotional triggers that impact and worsen ADHD symptoms. It can take someone from feeling like they can’t function well on any given day to living a healthy and deeply satisfying life. If you experience ADHD symptoms, schedule your first session with us today to see how we can help you work towards relief and better creating the life you want. At the EMDR Center of Denver, we believe that every person experiencing ADHD can create a more satisfying life. Schedule your first session with us today to work towards creating the life you want.

Not all therapy is the same.
Invest in yourself through effective, evidence-based treatment that yields proven results.

Not sure if you are experiencing symptoms of ADHD?

This questionnaire can be used as a starting point to recognize the signs and symptoms of ADHD but is not meant to replace consultation and evaluation with a trained mental health professional. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through a clinical evaluation. Regardless of the questionnaire results, if you have concerns regarding symptoms of ADHD that you may be experiencing, please discuss these concerns with a mental health professional. We would be happy to assist with this process.